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Our Successes

The NZ Chess Academy accepted it's first squad in February 2013. Since then we have run a number of academies in Central Auckland and on the North Shore of Auckland.

Typically students join the academy with a Chess Power rating of between 300 - 500 points. Our goal is to increase their rating by at least 200 rating points for the year.

Our students have had a huge number of successes - too many to list here. The best way to see the progress of our students is through their rating and tournament successes. Here is a list of some of our students. Just click on their picture to see their rating progress.

Anya Thurner
Anya Thurner

Cheng Hao Li
Cheng Hao Li

Krystal Lal
Krystal Lal

Yolanda Chang
Yolanda Chang

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